NFT Node Solution
IONODO offers a node server management service. Nodes are divided into NFTs and each owner receives monthly rewards based on performance.

IONODO offers a node server management service. Nodes are divided into NFTs and each owner receives monthly rewards based on performance.
Created by a team of passionate developers and system administrators, IONODO is a collaborative node server management project.
Our mission: to offer a simple solution for everyone to own a server node and earn cryptocurrencies.
Our Project: Split the ownership of a Node server in the form of NFTs on Solana Blockchain and redistribute the rewards equitably between the owners.
Become the owner of a node server without any technical skills!
Select your node and receive monthly rewards based on your shares.
Idena is the first Proof-of-Person blockchain based on democratic principles. Every mining node is linked to a cryptoidentity .
A scalable, open, and decentralized ecosystem, enabling all to build entirely on and for the blockchain.
Flux is the new generation of scalable decentralized cloud infrastructure. Ready for Web 3.0, dApps, and more.
Bringing access & privacy to Web3 with zero knowledge tech. Mina is the world’s lightest blockchain.
Buy, connect, receive... Be the owner of a node without technical skills.
Go to the Solsea platform and buy your NFT.
Connect your wallet to the ionodo web app.
Validate your NFT enter your rewards address.
Receive your node rewards and NODO tokens
Receive monthly rewards from your node and the native ionodo token.
Discover the next updates of our services and the next developments.
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BlockSide Group